

Gateway Management Software for Schools

Now used in over seventy schools throughout the country

Cost (2025 prices)

Gateway package : No charge

Annual License / Support fee : $285.00 + GST

To order just ring us (021 0905 7907) or send us an email (randcbutler@inspire.net.nz)

We use Team Viewer to provide on-line support. This is a free download from the internet.

The Gateway course management package was written in 2007/8 in response to many requests received at the CATE conference in Invercargill in November 2007. It was written in conjunction with two Gateway Coordinators in schools north of Auckland whose advice and suggestions were invaluable in ensuring that the package offers the correct and necessary functionality to schools.

It is a Windows package written for the PC environment and will run on Windows 2000, Windows XP and on Macintosh computers (under Terminal Services). Its development is based on over twenty years programming experience, during which time the author has written many software packages for many thousands of users.

This package is designed to make it easy for your school's Gateway coordinator to manage Gateway courses / students / achievements and Ministry of Education returns. 

The package does NOT require the school to be using a particular SMS (School Management System) but, if MUSAC's The Edge is being used, then data may be exchanged with that package. A similar process is currently being developed to allow the package to interact with the KAMAR Student Management Systsem.

The package has the following features :

  • A simple range of menu buttons to find your way around the package.

  • A Student specifications screen which allows you to attach placments and courses to individual students, along with the unit standards / certificates involved.

  • The specification of financial costs relating to individual students, placements and courses.

  • The entry of achievement results for each student in each of their placements and courses.

  • The printing, in a variety of formats, of course lists and student lists including a document design feature with several important pre-designed student-based documents already available..

  • Forty short training videos showing you how each aspect of rht epackage works.

  • Utilities which include :

  •             a One-button click to prepare the data for TEC submissions for both Placements and Standrads

  •             The End-of-Year process

  • Updating student data and results from both Kamar and The Edge

For further information please view the screen captures document

Copyright 2008 (C) Worsfold Software Ltd